I’m a Financial Planning Expert_ 10 Biggest Money Mistakes Millennials Make


Because of shifting economic conditions and periods, each generation deals with different financial issues than the one that came before it. One of the largest generations in terms of population, millennials—those between the ages of 27 and 42—have reached maturity and are now fully responsible adults with all of the obligations that come with being an adult. They may struggle to make wise financial decisions because the world is more expensive than it was for their parents, who are mostly elder boomers and Gen Xers.

Neglecting To Budget

Any age group can find budgeting difficult, but millennials may find it more difficult because they've grown up with more digital financial tools and less of a need to write checks on paper. Kilday asserts that "making a budget enables you to properly grasp your income and expenses. It assists you in setting spending priorities, locating areas for cost-cutting, and allocating money towards your financial objectives, such as emergency savings, debt repayment, or investment.

Accumulating Excessive Debt

Millennials may use credit cards or personal loans to fill income gaps when circumstances are tough. However, Kilday noted that these frequently have hefty interest rates, which can seriously strain your finances. "Pay attention to responsible debt management rather than accumulating debt. Pay more than the required minimum each month, look into debt consolidation alternatives to lower interest rates, and think about refinancing student loans for better terms.

Overspending on Housing

For millennials, purchasing a home now is more expensive than it was for their parents and grandparents. Millennials might be overspending on housing as a result. According to Kilday, housing expenses might consume a sizable amount of your salary. "Be realistic about what you can afford to prevent financial burden. Think about sharing a rental with roommates, choosing a smaller house or flat, or looking into places that are inexpensive and have affordable housing costs.

Impulsive shopping and rising lifestyle costs

Millennials are not the only generation that wastes money on goods they could wait to buy or don't actually need. Kilday noted, "Mindful spending is essential for avoiding debt and financial stress, though. Be able to tell the difference between necessities and wants, and learn to defer gratification. By automatically boosting your spending when your income rises, you can avoid giving in to lifestyle inflation. Instead, save or invest the additional funds to reach your financial objectives more quickly.

disregarding insurance protection

Being in one's 20s to 40s is still a young age, and many millennials might believe that old age is still in the future, so they don't worry as much about having insurance for their homes, health, and other belongings. According to Kilday, "adequate insurance coverage protects your financial well-being." In order to protect yourself and your assets, evaluate your insurance needs, including those for health insurance, disability insurance, and renter's or homeowner's insurance.

Failing To Save for Emergencies

Many millennials may not prioritize having an emergency fund, despite the fact that it is an essential financial safety net. Try to save three to six months' worth of living costs in a separate account, especially with the economy as erratic as it has been in recent years. "Having this cushion will help you navigate unforeseen expenses, such as medical bills or auto repairs, without relying on credit cards or loans."

Overlooking the Importance of Investing

Millennials who are living paycheck to paycheck or who simply don't anticipate the future may become overly preoccupied with the present. Kilday noted that investing is essential for accumulating wealth over the long run. Learn about fundamental investment concepts and tactics like asset allocation and diversification. To get started, think about using robo-advisors, exchange-traded funds (ETFs), or low-cost index funds. The early investment enables you to benefit from compound growth over time.

Not Saving for Retirement

Investing for retirement is one of the most crucial types of investment, according to Kilday. The worst thing you can do is put off retiring. Even though planning for your retirement while you're still young may seem stupid, she advised doing so because, as she put it, "if you save a little bit now, you'll have a lot more in the future, thanks to the miracle of compound interest or investment growth. Waiting too long will force you to use your money for other expenses, making it difficult to save enough for retirement.

Overspending on a Wedding

According to Kilday, The Knot's 2018 Real Weddings Study found that millennials spend $33,931 on average for their wedding. "You'll incur a lot of expenses with your new spouse, and this is just the beginning. The cost of setting up a home with a partner increases when you have children and a mortgage. A major calamity is beginning with a wedding expense hanging over your head.

Not Exploring Student Loan Repayment Options

According to Kilday, a major error made by millennials with student loan debt is failing to choose the most effective repayment strategy. They either aren't determining whether they are eligible for loan payback, are delaying dealing with their loans by using deferments, or aren't shopping around for cheaper interest rates and terms.

According to her, 50% of people who have college loans are qualified for partial or complete loan forgiveness. Consider it free money.

Consider enrolling in an income-based repayment plan and setting up manageable monthly payments rather than delaying your loan payments. Less than 15% to 20% of your income can be used for these payments. Therefore, you should examine the rest of your spending if you are unable to pay them.